Kahler / GCO / MAG Differences


Kahler Ticket                         Density = 11.65 (Kahler Pounds/Kahler Gallons)

                                                       11,829.9 pounds/1,014.755 gallons


                      Kahler Pounds - Mag Pounds = Difference of 50.9

                           11821.9         5.911

                              11771         5.886

                                 50.9         0.025           $889.00   $22.63  

                             Pounds          Tons           $/Ton



Kahler to GCO Log File                    Passes gallons only


GCO to MAG File                   1014.755 gallons are passed to MAG ---passes gallons only

MAG Conversion Factor and Density     Pounds in MAG are figured by (gallons X conversion factor)                 Gallons X Liquid Density = Pounds

                                                                       1014.755 gallons X .0058 = 5.885579 tons                                            1014.755 gallons X 11.6 = 11771.16 pounds

                                                                        5.885579 tons X 2,000 pounds = 11771.16 pounds                

MAG Billing                      Comes in as gallons - uses density and conversion factor (figured based on density set in MAG) to determine total pounds - which is what relieves                                                         inventory

Steps to Follow:

  • Within Open Batches select the "Revise" button
  • Enter correct pounds from Kahler ticket into "Ext Qty Pounds" field
  • Formulate and save batch

**After revising when selecting formulate, ensure that your pounds entry has held prior to settling**

**When adjusting pounds, ensure Price Per Unit is correct after formulating**

**Adjusting this information will cause the Extended Price to not match the GCO delivery ticket if the pricing is shown**