Setting/Changing Default Printer in Citrix
Question: What do I do when I receive a message such as 'No Printer Installed' when trying to print from Merchant Ag? Answer: A default printe...
Wed, 11 May, 2022 2:38 PM
Same Items Rolling Up Quantities in F1-Order
Question: When I enter a new line on a F1-Order with a product already listed, why does it combine the item quantity with an existing line? I want to keep t...
Tue, 17 May, 2022 10:43 AM
Logging Off Citrix Server (Terminating Stuck MAG Session)
Question: I am stuck in Merchant Ag and the top left corner of my MAG screen says 'Not Responding.' What can I do to end my session and start over? ...
Wed, 18 May, 2022 3:05 PM
Changing Location and Workstation
Question:  How do I change my location in Mag for billing or receiving inventory? Answer:  If you have access to multiple locations in Merchant Ag, yo...
Wed, 18 May, 2022 4:54 PM
Prepay will not apply in F1 Orders
Question:  My prepay is valid, why will it not apply to any products billing in F1 Orders? Answer:  The prepay could be not applying for several reaso...
Tue, 24 May, 2022 3:14 PM
Kahler / GCO
Kahler / GCO / MAG Differences Example: Kahler Ticket                         Density = 11.65 (Kahler Pounds/Kahler Gallons)                  ...
Fri, 14 Oct, 2022 2:15 PM